South West Area of NAFAS
Registered charity 296900
Affiliated to The National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies
Get in touch
Bath Floral Decoration Society
St Stephen's Centre,
Lansdown Road,

Contact: Sue Southgate

Meetings held on 1st Tuesday in the month, except January and August.
1pm demonstration

Click to email
Tel: 01225 314531
​The Bath Floral Decoration Society was formed in 1954
We enjoy our relaxing Tuesday afternoons. Visitors and new members are made very welcome.
The Lansdown Park and Ride bus No. 31, pick up in Milsom Street drops you outside the church. 4 hour parking around the church
2024 Programme
February 6th AGM followed by talk about 'History of Quilts'
March 5th Demonstration by Sally Taylor, 'Sallying Forth, Yet Again'
April 2nd In house workshop
May 7th Demonstration by Delete Price, 'The Wonders of Wales'
June Celebrations for 70th Anniversary
July 2nd Demonstration by Beverley Clay, 'Summer Days'
August No meeting
September 3rd Demonstration by Julia Harrison, ' Through the Garden Gate'
October 1st Workshop with Sally Taylor
November 5th Demonstration by Caroline Cooper, 'Season of Sparkle'​
December 3rd Demonstration by Arnaud Metairie, 'Festive Floral Fantasy'
Further details from Sue Southgate, Secretary, Bath Floral Decoration Society, 3 Lansdown Park, Bath BA1 5TG Telephone 01225 314531 or email susanmsouthgate@aol.com